Top 10 Ayurvedic Tips For Natural Beauty And Skin Care


Beauty and skin care

It is said that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. A person who has visibly excellent skin tone, and texture is considered more attractive. This is why both men and women give a lot of importance to skincare. A variety of skincare products are available in the market to help enhance one’s appearance.

What makes Ayurveda skincare products different is its holistic way of dealing with skin issues. It is more about treating yourself with love and respect and understanding that outer beauty is a projection of your inner self. A radiant and glowing skin is the outcome of a carefully articulated and customized regime, that helps you attain the intricate balance of mind, body and soul, that will help you in attaining the best version of yourself. People across the world are thinking twice before using chemical products on their skin and have started to gravitate towards herbal products free from chemicals. Ayurvedic skincare products are 100% natural, made from herbs, and use no chemicals. This is why they are becoming popular worldwide.

Ayurveda and Skincare

Ayurveda means “the science of life.” It is a system of natural healing through the use of medicinal herbs and lifestyle changes. Ayurveda is a science that is over 5,000 years old and has its roots in India – a land of rich tradition and culture. The Ayurvedic therapy for skincare that helps in keeping your skin well-nourished contains specific natural ingredients referred to in ancient texts by sages and Ayurvedic experts.

Ayurveda uses herbs found in nature to manage diseases. These herbs are widely used to prepare Ayurvedic oils for skincare. The formulations prescribed are decided based on skin type. This is determined using the principle of Doshas.

In Ayurveda, there are three DoshasVata, Pitta, and Kapha, which are bio-energies in our body. Any imbalance in these bio-energies leads to health problems. A person’s skin can be classified as Vata, Pitta, or Kapha based on the following:

  1. Vata skin: This type of skin is thin, dry, and delicate. It tends to become dry, flaky, and is prone to develop wrinkles. Mental stress or emotional stress like anger or frustration can aggravate Vata and Pitta skin types.
  2. Pitta skin: Pitta skin is soft, warm, and medium in thickness. Pitta skin is prone to skin rashes, acne, rosacea, and sensitive skin gets affected quickly by skin problems.
  3. Kapha skin: Kapha skin is thick, oily, smooth, and cool. Excess oil can lead to blackheads, pimples, and other such conditions.

If you have a skin-related ailment, then an Ayurvedic practitioner would first assess your skin type before recommending the Ayurvedic medicine for skin disease that can support your condition.

Ayurvedic Tips for Skincare?

The following are some tips for skincare, based on the principles of Ayurveda:

  1. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. This is particularly helpful for those who have dry skin. Water helps nourish the skin and moisturizes it from inside.
  2. Abhyanga or oil massage is an Ayurvedic practice that helps nourish and moisturize your skin. Applying oil and massaging it on to the skin allows the oils to penetrate deep into the tissues, which benefits the skin. Some of the oils that work as an Ayurvedic remedy for skin care are:
    • Nalpamaradi Keram: This oil uses herbs prepared from the four ficus trees and potent skin rejuvenating herbs such as turmeric. It has a base of coconut oil that acts as a natural moisturizer. It helps improve skin tone, and texture and promotes naturally radiant skin.
    • Santhwanam Oil: This herbalized oil works on the tissues in the skin, helping restore skin vitality. It not only improves skin tone but also improves blood circulation.
    • Eladi Keram: This body massage oil uses traditional herbs like cinnamon, nutmeg, and Indian frankincense. It uses a coconut oil base. It is very helpful in improving skin health and nourishing the skin. It is recommended to be used for self-massage daily.
    • Neelibringadi Keram: This is an Ayurvedic hair oil prepared from herbs like Indigo, Indian gooseberry, and licorice. It helps in improving scalp health, allowing stronger hair growth.
  3. Ayurvedic medicines, in the form of oils as well as oral medications, can help treat skin diseases. Ayurvedic medicine for dermatitis and other skin conditions helps in long-term treatment in a natural way.
  4. While beauty products result might simulate external glow, the fact remains that beauty is not skin deep. An “inner glow” that comes from the body’s vitality plays a key role in making a person look genuinely good. Nutrition is important in Ayurveda. Consuming nutritious food helps the body to get all that it needs to maintain an inner glow. This helps the body increase its vitality, which in turn increases internal radiance. This has a positive effect on the skin and other body organs.
  5. Avoid excess exposure to sunlight, especially when the sun is at its peak. Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar), a series of Yoga postures that provide health benefits to the body and mind, is a great way to start the day. This should be done in the morning to ensure the body is exposed to sunlight to help produce Vitamin D.
  6. The diet to be followed depends on your Dosha type. A qualified ayurvedic practitioner can help you understand your constitution, i.e., Prakriti, and suggest dietary tips accordingly. Your Ayurvedic diet would help you decide which foods to consume more of, which to avoid, and how to best prepare them.
  7. Ayurveda recommends the use of ghee (ghritham) in the diet. Ghee nourishes your body from inside out and reflects in radiant health that can help improve your appearance.
  8. Avoid excess salt, sugar, and oily foods as these can affect your skin health. Smoking must strictly be avoided as it affects blood circulation, which can affect your skin texture and tone.
  9. You can use a natural oil like coconut oil to moisturize your skin and improve your hair quality.
  10. A good night’s sleep helps you refresh your mind and body. This helps you keep your skin looking young.

The ancient practice of Ayurveda holds within a number of natural ways to improve beauty and skin health. These suggestions and recommendations hold water even to this day and most importantly, are still relevant. Thanks to Ayurvedic products readily available online in this modern age, everyone can embrace a natural, chemical-free outlook to beauty and skincare.

Q1. Why is the Ayurvedic approach to beauty different?

A1. Ayurveda involves a holistic approach, where what you put on your body is as important as what you put in your body. This means skincare and beauty are not only dependent on the products you use on your face, but factors like your diet, exercise, and your general way of life also affect your skin health. Along with maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle and eating nutritious foods, you can use Kerala Ayurveda’s expertly-formulated Ayurvedic products to help maintain your natural skin health.

Q2. How do I find my perfect skincare routine?

A2. The right skincare routine for you will vary based on your Dosha skin type (more on that below). Great skin is the result of helpful good habits and a healthy lifestyle. Further, sticking to a skincare routine that involves cleansing, toning, and moisturization, will also aid in your natural skin health. Here’s a basic skincare routine that will help you maintain normal, healthy skin:

  • Cleansing at least twice a day is ideal for helping support healthy skin. Make sure you incorporate Vedic products during cleansing.
  • Using a skin-toning Ayurvedic product will help in the natural cleansing process of your skin, and help maintain the natural glow and tone of the skin.
  • Moisturizing with Kerala Ayurveda’s skincare products will help maintain the natural softness of your skin. It also supports natural hydration levels on your skin.

Q3. How do you get clear skin?

A3. Here’s how you can help maintain healthy, clear skin with Ayurveda:

– Understand your Dosha skin type. The products that you should use for your skin type will vary based on what your skin type is, so it’s important that you don’t try on products without knowing what is meant for your skin.

– Perform Abhyanga (or Ayurvedic massages) to help the goodness of oil penetrate your deep tissues.

– Exfoliation is important to maintain healthy skin. We recommend you use either natural exfoliants or Kerala Ayurveda’s soaps to help your skin with the natural exfoliation process.

– For your skin to help appear healthy and supple, it’s important that you use gentle facial oil.

– You can also consult an Ayurvedic practitioner if you would prefer to take supplements to help you from the inside. The right supplements, at the right dosage, can help maintain healthy skin.

Q4. What regimen works best for acne-prone skin?

A4. In Ayurveda, skincare regimens are dependent on the type of skin you have, which, in turn, is based on the Doshas. The three Doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. While all of us have all three Doshas, their proportions in our bodies vary. When the Doshas are in imbalance, health issues may occur. Usually, people who have an excess of Pitta suffer from skin conditions like acne. Using Ayurvedic products containing aloe vera and turmeric that have cooling properties can help. Also, eating unprocessed foods and a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits can help maintain the optimal level of Pitta. Additionally, using Kerala Ayurveda’s Ayurvedic formulations can be beneficial as well.

Q5. Are Ayurvedic oils safe for sensitive skin?

A5. The importance of Ayurvedic oils cannot be overstated. Made with powerful natural ingredients, Ayurvedic oils can help maintain normal, healthy skin. However, it’s important to choose Ayurvedic oils that are tailored to your skin type, which is based on your Dosha, to experience the benefits. If you have sensitive skin, you can shop soothing Ayurvedic oils from the Ayujiva Ayurveda.

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